Seniors have many choices when selecting Medicare Advantage health plans. Many plans include supplemental benefits like vision, dental, and fitness plans.
But, what do seniors really want from their health plans? They want benefits that help them maintain their independence and stay in their own homes. For many seniors, preparing meals after a hospitalization may be difficult. Many don’t have families who are nearby.
What do Members Look for in Supplemental Benefits?
In today’s market you need to ensure you’re providing the best member experience – while keeping an eye on the bottom line.
- Home-delivered meals can reduce hospitalizations by 50 percent.
- Members who receive home-delivered meals after a hospital stay regain their strength and energy faster.
- Studies show nutrition assistance like home-delivered meals can reduce the occurrence of falls in the frail and elderly by up to 60 percent.
Members like having a home-delivered meal benefit. In fact, 92 percent of home-delivered meal recipients report this benefit gives them the independence they want.
Nutrition care, in the form of home-delivered meals after a hospitalization or as part of chronic disease management, maximize member outcomes, while reducing healthcare costs.
Nutrition care:
- Promotes faster, more complete recoveries
- Reduces risk of complications
- Provides crucial support to patients with poor access to healthy foods
- Improves overall health and quality of life
- Decreases odds of further hospitalizations due to injury
- Enhances management of chronic diseases
Home-delivered meals can help improve patient outcomes after an acute stay. Members with chronic illnesses will appreciate the ease and convenience that home-delivered meals provide.
Home-Delivered Meals Can Improve Star Ratings
Offering home-delivered meals as a benefit may lead to more satisfied members. This benefit may mean better star ratings for your plan. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will use 2017 star ratings to determine the bonuses it will pay to insurers in 2018.
McKinsey & Co. determined the top three domains that influenced scores. Take a look at how home-delivered meals can help boost your ratings:

Health plans that added post-discharge meals and chronic disease management meals to their supplemental benefits saw a 3:1 return on investment.
Offer your members a benefit that will make your plan standout from the rest!