Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults. The right nutrition can help to reduce this risk. As we age, our bodies react differently, and a fall can be life-threatening.
Nutrition Can Help To Reduce Fall Risk
Posted by Alexandria Hadley, MS, RD, LD on Feb 18, 2021 11:05:00 AM
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Malnutrition, Falls, Fall Prevention
Malnutrition Awareness Week - October 5-9
Posted by Alexandria Hadley, MS, RD, LD on Oct 7, 2020 10:45:00 AM
Malnutrition is a leading cause of hospital readmissions for older adults. And, it affects those from all ethnic communities. Although adults 85 years and older are at a greater risk, malnutrition can affect people of all ages.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Care, Malnutrition
Is Your Transitional Care Plan Missing an Important Piece?
Posted by Mary O'Hara on Oct 4, 2018 3:03:52 PM
While your patients are in your care, you provide them with quality nutrition care. But, what happens when they go home?
Many transitional care plans may be missing an important piece – nutrition care. Providing access to food allows the frail and elderly to regain their strength and energy faster. Proper nutrition for those at risk improves patient outcomes following surgery or hospitalization.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Healthcare Cost Reduction, Healthy Meals for Seniors, Post Discharge
Hospitals face many challenges when patients are discharged. Some concerns include if patients understand their care plan and need for follow up appointments. Will your patients have access to healthy meals when they return home? What if they are unable to shop or prepare meals for themselves?
When patients go into the hospital, one thing they may not expect is to leave malnourished. But, that is what occurs to one-third of patients admitted to hospitals. Malnutrition is not always recognized and often goes untreated during hospitalization. Weight loss and inadequate nutritional intake can delay the healing and recovery process. This may lead to more challenging recoveries, and in many cases, relapse and readmission.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Healthcare Cost Reduction, Healthy Meals for Seniors, Post Discharge
When patients go into the hospital, one thing they may not expect is to leave malnourished. But, that is exactly what occurs to one-third of patients admitted to hospitals. Malnutrition is not always recognized and often goes untreated during hospitalization. Weight loss and poor nutritional intake can delay the healing and recovery process. This may lead to more challenging recoveries, and in many cases, relaspse and readmission.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Healthcare Cost Reduction, Healthy Meals for Seniors, Post Discharge
How to Reduce Healthcare Costs with Home-Delivered Meals
Posted by Mary O'Hara on Mar 29, 2017 3:50:26 PM
Malnutrition is a surprising problem in America. One out of every three patients admitted to the hospital suffer from malnutrition. If untreated, two-thirds will become severely malnourished during their stay. Approximately one-third of patients who are not malnourished will become so by the time they are discharged.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Healthcare Cost Reduction, Nutrition Care, Post Discharge
Proper nutrition is the key to aging well, and it has many health benefits. The vitamins and nutrients in food can help you fight diseases, boost your energy and help you sleep better.
Topics: Nutrition, Malnutrition in Elderly, Senior Health, Healthy Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Care, Advice from Dietitians, Affordable, Healthy Foods, Healthy Meals for Seniors
The Causes of Malnutrition in Older Adults
Posted by Maureen Garner, MS, RD, LD on Apr 27, 2016 11:00:00 AM
While we often hear about children in our society not having access to a proper diet and measures being taken to try to improve their condition, we do not hear as much about the issues facing our older adult population. The fact is, as many as 50-percent of seniors are at risk for shortcomings in their daily food nutrient requirements. Evidence-based research has produced some startling facts that build a case for working to overcome malnutrition in seniors.

Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Senior Health, Nutrition Care
Does Food Security Impact Hospital Readmissions?
Posted by Maureen Garner, MS, RD, LD on Apr 20, 2016 9:59:59 AM
Food Security (or Insecurity) Defined!
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Senior Health, Healthcare Cost Reduction, Food Insecurity, Medicare, Food Security, Malnutrition, Medicaid
John Siegel is the VP of Business Development for GA Foods. He has extensive experience working with healthcare organizations to optimize benefits provided to their members. Contact John at 954-732-6886 or jsiegel@gafoods.com to learn how your organization may benefit by providing these well-received services.
It may seem unbelievable, considering the abundance of food in the U.S., but malnutrition is a very real problem among the elderly. It’s estimated that as many as one out of every four senior citizens suffers from poor nutrition. This can have a serious negative impact on health, from lowered immunity to slower wound healing and exacerbation of existing diseases. It can lead to loss of weight and muscle strength, making daily activities more difficult and increasing the likelihood of falls.
Topics: Malnutrition in Elderly, Home Delivered Meals, Chronic Disease Management, Senior Health, Food Insecurity, Food Security Impact