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Time To Review Medicare Options for 2023!

Posted by Rafael Cavour on Nov 9, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Couple on Laptop_Medicare EnrollmentOpen enrollment for 2023 Medicare is here! From now until December 7, Americans 65 and older can review and change their Medicare coverage options for 2023. Many health plans offer new and expanded benefits for 2023.  Recent data indicates that 45% of enrollees selected Medicare Advantage plans – or Part D for 2022. By 2025, Medicare Advantage enrollment will reach over 50%.

Many Medicare Advantage plans offer benefits such as dental and vision coverage, home-delivered meals after hospitalization, and gym memberships. These plans also have a cap on out-of-pocket expenses, while traditional Medicare does not. Other new benefits may include a preloaded debit card allowing members to purchase over-the-counter items.  

Why Do Older Adults Select Medicare Advantage?

A recent study highlights the reasons why older adults are choosing Medicare Advantage plans:

24%    More benefits

20%    Limit on out-of-pocket costs

15%    Recommended by a trusted person

11%    Offer by their partner's former employer

9%      Maintain the same insurer

8%      Help manage healthcare

 Food Insecurity in Older Adults

 Those who are malnourished are more likely to have chronic diseases such as depression, asthma, and diabetes. Food insecurity also leads to malnutrition in older adults, and  1 in 2 seniors is at risk for malnutrition. Malnutrition causes more complications, falls, and hospital readmissions for this vulnerable population.

Many factors lead to food insecurity in older adults. They may: 

  • Live in an area where access to healthy food is limited. 
  • Need transportation available to go to grocery stores.
  • Feel anxious about shopping in a public place with COVID-19.
  • Have functional limitations that make meal preparation difficult.
  • Have to choose between paying for food or their medication.

Nutrition Care Is Important

A home-delivered meal benefit in your Medicare Advantage plan allows you to eat more nutritious foods after hospitalization. The 2023 benefit plans include a variety of nutrition options. Receiving in-home meals has many benefits:

  • Healthy meals can be delivered nationwide.
  • Adults don't need to worry about transportation.
  • The only preparation involved is heating the meal in an oven or microwave.
  • Our Delivery Care Team will bring the meal box into your home and assist with placing the meals in the freezer. 

To learn more about the benefits of home-delivered meals, click here!


Topics: Home Delivered Meals, Medicare, Senior Nutrition, Social Determinants of Health, Older Adults, Medicare Advantage

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